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Produkt zum Begriff To-Do-Listen:

  • Listen To Yourself
    Listen To Yourself

    Preis: 450 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • How to Speak so People Listen
    How to Speak so People Listen

    In a busy world of noise, how do you get your message across?   Everyone knows how vital good communication is in any business. But what’s the point if no-one’s listening to you?   How to Speak so People Listen shows you how to make sure that what you’re saying is being listened to and making a difference. Using proven techniques from the world’s most successful communicators, debaters and conversationalists, you’ll discover how to:   • Always be heard by speaking in a compelling, persuasive and powerful way • Seize attention, make an impact and leave a memorable first impression • Think fast and quickly adapt your message to suit your audience • Stand out at meetings, conferences, networking events and chance encounters • Be confident at public speaking – someone people really want to listen to   Effective tools, strategies, tips and tricks will make sure you’re able to command attention and know that, whenever you speak, people will want to hear what you have to say.

    Preis: 10.69 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Faber, Michel: Listen
    Faber, Michel: Listen

    Listen , There are countless books on music with much analysis given to musicians, bands, eras and genres. But rarely does a book delve into what's going on inside us when we listen. Michel Faber explores two big questions: how do we listen to music and why do we listen to music? He considers a range of factors, which includes age, illness, the notion of ?cool', the dichotomy between ?good' and ?bad' taste and much more. , >

    Preis: 20.46 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Well-to-do Villa
    Well-to-do Villa

    Preis: 67 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Schreibt ihr To-Do-Listen?

    Als KI habe ich keine Bedürfnisse oder Aufgaben, daher schreibe ich keine To-Do-Listen. Allerdings können To-Do-Listen für Menschen eine hilfreiche Methode sein, um ihre Aufgaben zu organisieren und den Überblick zu behalten.

  • Erstellt ihr euch To-Do-Listen?

    Als KI habe ich keine persönlichen Bedürfnisse oder Aufgaben, daher erstelle ich keine To-Do-Listen. Meine Hauptfunktion besteht darin, Informationen bereitzustellen und Fragen zu beantworten.

  • Arbeitet ihr mit To-Do-Listen?

    Als KI-Modell habe ich keine direkte Interaktion mit To-Do-Listen. Meine Aufgabe besteht darin, Fragen zu beantworten und Informationen bereitzustellen. Es liegt jedoch im Ermessen des Nutzers, ob er To-Do-Listen verwendet, um seine Aufgaben zu organisieren.

  • Was haltet ihr von To-Do-Listen?

    Als KI habe ich keine persönliche Meinung, aber To-Do-Listen können eine effektive Möglichkeit sein, um Aufgaben zu organisieren und den Überblick zu behalten. Sie können helfen, Prioritäten zu setzen und die Produktivität zu steigern. Allerdings ist es wichtig, realistische Ziele zu setzen und flexibel zu bleiben, um Stress und Überlastung zu vermeiden.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für To-Do-Listen:

  • How to do Better Creative Work
    How to do Better Creative Work

    Effective creative work is not a nice-to-have, it's a necessity - it’s the only way you’ll stand out in a fiercely competitive marketplace. Whether you're in digital, direct or advertising, the CEO of an agency or just starting out, How to do better creative work has been written for you. In fact, you'll see that everyone plays a crucial role in producing creative work that works: What it means to be creative, How to build a creative culture, How virtually all great work is underpinned by a simple problem/solution dynamic, How to use that dynamic to create your big marketing ideas, How to brief a creative team,  How to use 'relevant abruption' to produce big creative ideas, How to simultaneously build a brand and get response,         How to sell your work, How to run a creative department.    All this is illustrated by some of the best advertising, direct and digital work ever produced, plus 12 case studies featuring ideas that have not only sold millions of pounds worth of products, but also won dozens of the world's most coveted awards.   "Steve writes like he talks, with great intelligence, wisdom and common sense. He's one of the few people capable of looking at a notoriously self-obsessed industry and saying, "The Emperor has no clothes." And he's one of an even smaller number who can look at its problems and say, "here's how you fix it." Creative Work is as challenging as it is engaging. When I reached the end I felt like I wanted to continue the conversation, which is probably the highest compliment you can offer a book." - Jon Steel, author of Truth, Lies & Advertising and Perfect Pitch."This is genuinely essential reading for anyone who wants to demystify the advertising creative process – and vastly more entertaining than your average business book. Harrison’s simple, commonsense approach makes you wonder why so many ad campaigns fail so spectacularly. Buy it, read it and learn from it!” - Larissa Vince, Campaign magazine.   "This is a smart, straightforward and very special book. It affirmed so much I knew already, but my eyes were opened afresh to what is genuinely important about the work that we do. I came away with ten or twelve things I wanted to share with the rest of the team at glue and it also fortunately gave me some confidence that we’re getting a lot of this right already." - Mark Cridge, CEO, glue London. "Steve is one of the dying breed of creative directors that clients crave. He tells it like it is and delivers. How to do better creative work is a refreshingly honest must-read for any client, suit or creative who want to cut through the bullshit and produce great creative work that does the job. Harrison has the right to say what he likes about the ad industry - and he does!" - Charlie Smith, Head of Brand Marketing, Vodafone UK. "This book isn't just about how clients can help get the best work from their agency.  I loved the insight into the thinking that goes on before the creative idea is had and realise it applies to every business that takes a creative approach to problem solving." - Paul Ferraiolo, President, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, North America.“If, one day, my son tells me that he wants to be part of this business, I will make sure that he reads Steve´s book and, if possible, find a way for him to spend a couple of hours with Steve himself” - Pablo Alzugary, President, Shackleton Madrid.

    Preis: 13.9 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Dobelli, Rolf: Die Not-To-Do-Liste
    Dobelli, Rolf: Die Not-To-Do-Liste

    Die Not-To-Do-Liste , Die besten Fehler sind die, die man vermeidet 'In meinen früheren Büchern habe ich Ratschläge für klares Denken, kluges Handeln und ein besseres Leben gegeben. In diesem Buch drehe ich den Spieß um. Ich präsentiere Ihnen die wichtigsten Verhaltensweisen und Denkmuster, die man besser vermeidet - eine Not-To-Do-Liste oder, anders ausgedrückt, eine Art Enzyklopädie der Idiotie. Wenn man diese Verhaltensweisen und Denk-muster kennt, kann man sie umschiffen. Denn ich habe in meinem Leben oft erfahren: Statt dem Glück hinterherzujagen, ist es viel leichter und besser, die Dinge zu beseitigen, die den Weg zum Glück verbauen.' Rolf Dobelli , Nachschlagewerke & Lexika > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen

    Preis: 22.00 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • How to do better creative work ebook
    How to do better creative work ebook

    Effective creative work is not a nice-to-have, it's a necessity - it’s the only way you’ll stand out in a fiercely competitive marketplace. Whether you're in digital, direct or advertising, the CEO of an agency or just starting out, How to do better creative work has been written for you. In fact, you'll see that everyone plays a crucial role in producing creative work that works: What it means to be creative, How to build a creative culture, How virtually all great work is underpinned by a simple problem/solution dynamic, How to use that dynamic to create your big marketing ideas, How to brief a creative team,  How to use 'relevant abruption' to produce big creative ideas, How to simultaneously build a brand and get response,         How to sell your work, How to run a creative department.    All this is illustrated by some of the best advertising, direct and digital work ever produced, plus 12 case studies featuring ideas that have not only sold millions of pounds worth of products, but also won dozens of the world's most coveted awards.   "Steve writes like he talks, with great intelligence, wisdom and common sense. He's one of the few people capable of looking at a notoriously self-obsessed industry and saying, "The Emperor has no clothes." And he's one of an even smaller number who can look at its problems and say, "here's how you fix it." Creative Work is as challenging as it is engaging. When I reached the end I felt like I wanted to continue the conversation, which is probably the highest compliment you can offer a book." - Jon Steel, author of Truth, Lies & Advertising and Perfect Pitch."This is genuinely essential reading for anyone who wants to demystify the advertising creative process – and vastly more entertaining than your average business book. Harrison’s simple, commonsense approach makes you wonder why so many ad campaigns fail so spectacularly. Buy it, read it and learn from it!” - Larissa Vince, Campaign magazine.   "This is a smart, straightforward and very special book. It affirmed so much I knew already, but my eyes were opened afresh to what is genuinely important about the work that we do. I came away with ten or twelve things I wanted to share with the rest of the team at glue and it also fortunately gave me some confidence that we’re getting a lot of this right already." - Mark Cridge, CEO, glue London. "Steve is one of the dying breed of creative directors that clients crave. He tells it like it is and delivers. How to do better creative work is a refreshingly honest must-read for any client, suit or creative who want to cut through the bullshit and produce great creative work that does the job. Harrison has the right to say what he likes about the ad industry - and he does!" - Charlie Smith, Head of Brand Marketing, Vodafone UK. "This book isn't just about how clients can help get the best work from their agency.  I loved the insight into the thinking that goes on before the creative idea is had and realise it applies to every business that takes a creative approach to problem solving." - Paul Ferraiolo, President, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, North America.“If, one day, my son tells me that he wants to be part of this business, I will make sure that he reads Steve´s book and, if possible, find a way for him to spend a couple of hours with Steve himself” - Pablo Alzugary, President, Shackleton Madrid.

    Preis: 13.9 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Welche iOS-App für To-Do-Listen gibt es?

    Es gibt viele iOS-Apps für To-Do-Listen, darunter beliebte Optionen wie "Todoist", "Wunderlist", "" und "Microsoft To Do". Diese Apps bieten Funktionen wie Aufgabenverwaltung, Erinnerungen, Kategorisierung und Synchronisierung über verschiedene Geräte hinweg. Die beste App hängt von den individuellen Bedürfnissen und Vorlieben des Benutzers ab.

  • Wer kann eine gute Smartphone-App empfehlen für gemeinsame To-Do-Listen?

    Eine gute Smartphone-App für gemeinsame To-Do-Listen ist "Wunderlist". Sie ermöglicht es Benutzern, Aufgaben zu erstellen, zu teilen und gemeinsam daran zu arbeiten. Die App bietet auch Funktionen wie Erinnerungen, Kommentare und Anhänge, um die Zusammenarbeit zu erleichtern.

  • Gibt es eine Tagesplaner-App mit To-Do-Listen für einzelne Tage?

    Ja, es gibt viele Tagesplaner-Apps mit To-Do-Listen für einzelne Tage. Einige beliebte Optionen sind Todoist, und Microsoft To Do. Diese Apps ermöglichen es Benutzern, ihre Aufgaben für den Tag zu organisieren und zu verfolgen.

  • Wie lautet der Name einer App für tägliche Erinnerungen und To-Do-Listen?

    Eine beliebte App für tägliche Erinnerungen und To-Do-Listen ist "Todoist". Sie ermöglicht es Benutzern, Aufgaben zu organisieren, Fristen festzulegen und Erinnerungen einzustellen.

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